So this week was pretty much a week full of randomness. Out of the blue last Monday night we recieved a call from the secretaries of the mission and they told Elder Costa that he had to be in Vitoria the following day before 4:00 because he was being transfered to a new area. Then I found out that I was to be the new District Leader. That was completely random and out of the blue. Then 3 days after that we got a call from the Traveling Assistants that said that they would be here the next day and that they would be working with us that day. My mind is full of new information and new things to do this week and it has kind of driven me a little crazy because now I have to look out for my companionship and also the other companionships in the District, but it is pretty cool at the same time.
Our baptisms have not happened yet, but they will. We have one baptism for this Saturday the 30th and one for the 7th of July.
My best experience this week was when I was working with the assistants. I visited a less active member with one of them and when I was there during part of the lesson I could feel how sad and the longing that our Heavenly Father is feeling for her not being at church and wanting her to come back to him and have the joy again in her life that she is longing for.